9/11 is a monumental Hellmark Day which has encouraged your average wage-slave Americans to immediately and quintessentially 'Never Forget.' An instant desire to tell your 9/11 story becomes overheard shoptalk from bar-side blabbermouths. On a scale of 1 to 10, everyone, by now is leaning at 8 or 9 on the inside job proposal whether they will admit it or not.
I, for one, am posting and insisting my very own Hellmark Day entitled 'Never Fuggit' on this very day. Its iniated at over-exploited Americans who continue to outdo themselves in harassing younger generations, or generalizing the population or beliefs because their hunkered chipped shoulders have finally buckled with their knee replacements. You are absolutely and entirely dispictable at what you have protested without warranty when valuable time has slipped past to alter better judgement equipped with precise decisions to help one another in a destitute country. I vouch for this Hellmark Day to become a reminder to all who have sexually offended me or other women, and peaceful bystanders, nonchalantly living their Nobel lives around the horse manure you left us to writhe in and muck up without biodegradable shovels. With choices made and irreversible, the wheel of fortune pummels backwards if not out of control or forwards. Bitter hasbeens destined to never rediscover diversity is an understatement. Now, on days, I stand alone taking the blame for something I never once participated in nor started all because exploitation exhausted all efforts to finish what you started. Reverse your less than brilliant psychology one more time after you flipped it once already back on me while thumping your defenseless Bible cellphones that billions of sons and daughters have been crucified for on the this tired, molted, over-stepped ground. Useless, pointless, war mongers infested with fowl manners. I propose to mark your hell on earth with Never Fuggit flyers, posters, handbills, buttons and stickers in hopes the remaining salvation of mankind to take a long overdo stance on. Look elsewhere for pity, promises, promotion or purpose from me on Never Fuggit day. I will bend til my back breaks to end hopeless, aimless individuals lacking unconditional love, emotional prosperity and health wealth. What you achieved if any AT ALL was spreading more hatred, infestations and diseases now. Pat yourself on your shrunken shoulders allowing my own self to rise to your pitiful excuse on this planet. It's no wonder the viscious cycle reoccurs over and over on the bleeding scalps of your hemorraging head. I hereby Never Fuggit because I will never Fuck You.
Never Fuggit like you have no choice now left besides to face the whole world you apprehensely all chose to Fuck Over, over and over!
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